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How does Hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy interacts directly with the inner consciousness to find core issue causes of problems in a person's life.
The conscious mind is more logical, critical and analytical as it is constantly making value judgments. If somebody was to say to you "you really should give up smoking, you know, it's terribly bad for you", you're highly unlikely to become a non-smoker on the spot. Rather you're more likely to come up with a dozen, rational sounding reasons as to why you should carry on smoking, or you might tell them to shove off and mind their own business. Even if you do consciously accept that you should give up smoking, it's not the conscious part of the mind that is keeping the habit in place.
 The unconscious part of the mind, on the other hand, is much more accepting. It is also quite literal and tends to take things personally, relating any information it receives to you as an individual. Hypnosis works by bypassing the critical conscious mind (usually through relaxation or linguistic techniques), and speaking directly to the unconscious in a language which it understands - pattern, association and metaphor.
 You can examine beliefs and thought processes that give rise to emotional, mental, physical and spiritual problems and make changes at the core level from which the outer manifestation originates.

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