To be inspired is great. To inspire is Incredible! !


Sanjay had been living a good life financially, physically, socially but always felt heavy and incomplete inside. Some kind of burden always was with him as If there was something he was supposed to do but couldn't because of the work pressures and other responsibilities. One fine day he decided to deal with the guilt he had been carrying with him for so long. As he came up for session I asked him what he wanted to accomplish through the session.

In guilt-stricken voice he replied “I want to be free of the heaviness that I am filled up with inside because I couldn't take care of my dad during his last times. It was not that I didn't want to do it but because I was not being able to balance my work and family life.”

He wanted to be relieved, free and happy.

As we started with the session, soon after the induction, he started shivering and crying. I asked him to share what was happening.
He replied “My mother is standing in front of me. I lost her few years back. I want to convey her the reasons, why I couldn't take care of dad. ” I guided him to go ahead to share whatever was creating the heaviness in his life from so long.

He continued to have conversation with his mom for 10 minutes and after a while stopped crying and notified “I am done.” I asked him to share how was he feeling after the talk and if he would like to share what happened during conversation.

He replied “I am light, relieved. While I was conveying her my thoughts she hugged me, loved me and said that she knows everything and does not need any explanations. What I did was right in that moment and I did my best.”

Sanjay looked extremely relaxed and relieved after the experience.

NOTE: Many a times we want to convey a lot of things to people around or even lost loved ones and do not get the chance to do so in the physical plane because of time and space considerations but we can settle things in the metaphysical realm as there are no time and space constraints in the spiritual world. And by getting into hypnosis we open ourselves to the dimensions of higher realms and thus are powerful enough to heal ourselves of any physical, mental, emotional issues.

DISCLAIMER: Names in the case studies have been changed to keep the privacy of clients intact.


Jack was experiencing severe pain in left leg from 6 months. He consulted many doctors, got as many physical tests done as required but nothing came out. Nobody was able to find out any physical issue with his leg. He got to visit our place for a day, as he is my brother’s very close friend. While he was sharing his issue, he suddenly asked “Nidhi, can you help me out with this?” I prompted “If YOU want to help YOURSELF”.

We went to my office for the session. While filling up the form and trying to trace the root cause of his issue during the counseling session, I asked “Jack, what do you really want out of this session?” He said “I want to be free of this pain and feel relaxed.”

As we started, I began to induce hypnotic state in him for the purpose of healing. The deeper he breathed, the more relaxed he felt. And the more relaxed he felt, the deeper he went. As we continued, I asked him to locate his healing space and share what all he could see.

He said “I can see nothing but white light”. I asked him to move forward and explore more.

He said “I see a sword”. I asked him if he could find out any connection between the 
sword and his pain.

He said “No.” I asked him to move ahead and find out at the count of 3.

As I counted till 3, he moved a bit more ahead and saw a temple far away on the top of a mountain. I reminded him of his powers and abilities (as everybody possesses while in hypnotic state) and asked him to climb to the temple at the further count of 3. He climbed to the temple, and went inside. I asked him to share what was happening.
Jack started smiling and said “It’s God Shiva’s temple. I am standing in front of His statue.  A golden-red light is coming from him to me and I am storing it in my heart. It is very relaxing.”  While I was still wondering about the significance of the sword he initially saw, he uttered “I am getting ready”.

I asked “Getting ready for what?”

He replied “For a war”.

Well I got almost cleared of the root cause of his leg pain, but still the actual experience was yet to follow.  So I asked him to move ahead and share what happened next.

 He suddenly started shivering, and began screaming for help. I asked him to share what was happening. Jack replied “I am fighting a battle and somebody has injured me by putting sword in my left leg, I am feeling severe pain, I can’t take the sword out and nobody is helping me with this. Everybody is busy fighting. I feel helpless”.

 I again reminded him of his powers and abilities to float above the experience and directed him to watch the memory from a distance and not to feel anything in his body.  As guided, he began to let the memory go away. The farther he let the memory go, the better he felt. And when the memory went out of his sight, he felt calm and relaxed in his body and said “I feel relaxed.”

 As he felt relieved of the pain, I took him out of the hypnotic state. After a while he said “I feel light, free and relaxed.” Well the purpose of the session got accomplished.

NOTE: At times during the events, the emotional trauma gets locked within the sub-conscious even after the soul has made transition to a new life. And these memories tend to trigger physical or emotional issues sometimes as the experiences are stored in sub-conscious and remain alive and bound to the soul. So by revisiting such memories and settling the traumas associated with them, the issues can be healed.

DISCLAIMER: Names in the case studies have been changed to keep the privacy of clients intact.

What is Hypnotherapy?

  •  Hypnotherapy, also referred to as hypnosis is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration.
  •  Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a therapist using verbal repetition and mental images.
  •  When you're under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more open to suggestions.
  •  Although you're more open to suggestions during hypnosis, you do not lose control over your behavior. 

How does Hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy interacts directly with the inner consciousness to find core issue causes of problems in a person's life.
The conscious mind is more logical, critical and analytical as it is constantly making value judgments. If somebody was to say to you "you really should give up smoking, you know, it's terribly bad for you", you're highly unlikely to become a non-smoker on the spot. Rather you're more likely to come up with a dozen, rational sounding reasons as to why you should carry on smoking, or you might tell them to shove off and mind their own business. Even if you do consciously accept that you should give up smoking, it's not the conscious part of the mind that is keeping the habit in place.
 The unconscious part of the mind, on the other hand, is much more accepting. It is also quite literal and tends to take things personally, relating any information it receives to you as an individual. Hypnosis works by bypassing the critical conscious mind (usually through relaxation or linguistic techniques), and speaking directly to the unconscious in a language which it understands - pattern, association and metaphor.
 You can examine beliefs and thought processes that give rise to emotional, mental, physical and spiritual problems and make changes at the core level from which the outer manifestation originates.